Thomas Feldthus
Co-founder and CEO
Thomas Feldthus (born 1960) is an entrepreneur with extensive management experience within the life science industry.
Feldthus is a co-founder of Saniona. Prior to joining Saniona as CEO in April 2022, he most recently served for the company as vVD and CFO from 2012 to March 2020. Apart from Saniona, he is a co-founder of Scandion Oncology A/S, Initiator Pharma A/S, Symphogen A/S, Ataxion Inc. and Leukotech ApS. Previously, he served as CFO of Symphogen A/S, Investment Associate at Novo A/S and Corporate Development Manager at Novo Nordisk A/S.
Feldthus serves as Chairman of the board of directors for Rehaler ApS and as a member of the board of directors for Synklino A/S and ResoTher Pharma ApS.
Feldthus earned his M.Sc. in Management and Economics from the University of London, Fellow of the London Business School Sloan Program from London Business School (LBS), Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing Management) from Copenhagen Business School (CBS), and M.Sc. in Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Feldthus holds 1,661,928 warrants in the warrant program 2022 and 1,855,000 warrants in the warrant program 2024. Feldthus holds 1,400,000 shares and 217,500 T04.
Anita Milland
Chief Financial Officer
Anita Milland (born 1968) has more than 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, within finance, administration and investor relations.
She served as CFO for Saniona since 2022, and previously served as Vice President Finance & Site Manager Denmark since 2020, Interim CFO & Head of IR in 2020, Vice President Finance & Administration since 2016 and Consultant since 2014. Milland previously served as Vice President, Finance & Administration as well as Chief Financial Officer at NeuroSearch A/S.
Milland received her Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from Niels Brock.
Milland holds 74,600 in the warrant program 2020, 467,893 warrants in the warrant program 2022 and 200,000 warrants in the warrant program 2024. Milland holds 33,500 shares.
Janus Schreiber Larsen
Chief Development Officer
Janus Schreiber Larsen (born 1972) is an organic chemist with more than 20 years’ experience in drug discovery, developing new pharmacological therapies for dysfunctions in the brain.
Larsen was part of the group founding Saniona in 2011, where he initially served as Director of Medicinal Chemistry and IP. From 2015 he took on the role as Vice President, Medicinal Chemistry and IP and then from 2022 he served as Senior Vice President, Preclinical Development and Medicinal Chemistry. Prior to founding Saniona, Larsen was employed at NeuroSearch, where he held several senior- and management roles within Medicinal Chemistry.
Larsen is a chemist by training and holds a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Southern Denmark. He has authored 9 peer-reviewed scientific articles and is co-inventor of more than 35 patents.
Larsen holds 99,400 warrants in the warrant program 2020, 150,000 warrants in the warrant program 2023, 200,000 warrants in the warrant program 2024 and 287,337 shares.
Karin Sandager Nielsen
Chief Scientific Officer
Karin Sandager Nielsen (born 1970) is a CNS pharmacologist with more than 20 years’ experience in discovering and developing new pharmacological therapies for dysfunctions in the brain.
Sandager Nielsen was part of the group founding Saniona in 2011, where she initially served as Director of Operations and In Vivo Pharmacology. From 2015 she took on the role as Vice President, Operations and In Vivo Pharmacology and from 2022 she served as Senior Vice President, In Vivo and Translational Pharmacology. Prior to founding Saniona, Sandager Nielsen was employed at NeuroSearch, where she held several senior- and management roles within CNS pharmacology.
Sandager Nielsen is a biologist by training and holds a Ph.D in neuropharmacology from the university of Copenhagen. She has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed scientific articles and is co-inventor of 23 patents.
Sandager Nielsen holds 99,400 warrants in the warrant program 2020, 150,000 warrants in the warrant program 2023, 200,000 warrants in the warrant program 2024 and 211,119 shares.
Palle Christophersen
Executive Vice President, Research
Palle Christophersen (born 1958) is an ion channel physiologist and pharmacologist with more than 30 years of experience with drug discovery and development in the private industry.
Christophersen was a co-founder of Saniona in 2011 and served as CSO until 2019 and since then as Senior Vice President, Research. Prior to Saniona he was employed for 20 years in NeuroSearch, where the served in multiple managing and project leader positions for both internal and collaboration projects.
Christophersen is a biologist by training and holds a PhD in physiology and biophysics of ion channels from the University of Copenhagen. He has authored more than 65 peer-reviewed articles and is co-inventor of more the 60 patents, primarily within the ion channel field and related technology.
Christophersen holds 99,400 warrants in the warrant program 2020, 150,000 warrants in the warrant program 2023 and 200,000 warrants in the warrant program 2024. Christophersen holds 778,836 shares and 19,418 T04.